Monday, August 12, 2013

Back in the Garden

I spent the weekend in the garden, getting things back in order after being away for awhile. Saturday was a cloudy day, raining lightly off and on, the perfect kind of day for puttering about in the garden. I alternated between the garden and the garage, organizing the garage when it rained and then back in the garden when it stopped. I cleaned up all my pots, cutting back the plants that were out of control, and even gave them all a good dose of MiracleGro to give them a boost for the rest of the summer. I find myself getting a little tired of some of my pots around this time, so sometimes it helps to just cut them way back and they will look great again in the fall.

I like to go around the garden from one end to the other, edging, weeding, deadheading, pulling down the vines that take over the backyard fence.  I have a love/hate relationship with my patch of daylilies--they are so pretty when they are  blooming but so ugly afterwards with the brown dying foliage. So now I cut them back totally--Walt uses a sickle and cuts them to the ground. In a few weeks they will all have nice new green growth and look so much better. The garden is looking good.

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