Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Easter in Cleveland

Kathryn, Dan, Owen, Julia, Hampton, Kevin

We were in Cleveland over the weekend, and had such a great time.  We saw lots of family, took a long walk around Euclid, went to the Cleveland Art Museum, had macarons and champagne at a cool little patisserie downtown, and watched March Madness.  We had a delicious Easter brunch at my niece Kathryn's house in Shaker (baked eggs in hashed brown nests, thanks Pioneer Boy!) and a wonderful Easter dinner at my sister's, and Tom and Evie even came in from Chautauqua for the day. So nice to  be back home for a few days, and with our family. Of course before I left I collected three or four bags of rocks from my sister's beach, to bring home for my garden. Much of my garden is bordered by rocks from Lake Erie, and I can always use a few (well, lots) more.

We came back on Monday to 77 degrees in Virginia, greened up grass, daffodils blooming, and some early cherry tree blooms. What a difference a warm day makes! Yesterday morning I was outside spreading bonemeal over my perennial garden, something I do every year. I don't know if it makes any difference, but I've been doing it for years. It's the only fertilizer I use. I also cut back my 'Limelight' hydrangea, a little later than usual, but it should be fine as it blooms on new growth. It's raining this morning, so that bone meal will soak in nicely around my plants and strengthen those roots!!

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