Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Spring Tease

Cherry tree in bloom, February 7

It's a little colder this week, but because of the mostly mild winter we have had so far, my garden is starting to think it is spring. My tree guy came this morning and we walked around the yard deciding which trees need the most work. I found out he is from Akron, so we commiserated a little about the sad winter we are having so far. Happily, he thought my cherry tree was okay (after the town's terrible pruning job last fall) and only needs some thinning around the crown. Several other trees need some light pruning around the crowns also, to keep them in check, and then he will trim the privets in back to fence height.  I like walking around the yard with him, as he often makes interesting comments about various plants and trees and shows me how to do some things myself. He thought my dogwoods look fine and told me to spray them with a fungicide when the first leaves start coming out.

Here are a few pictures from my morning walkabout.

Hellebores in bloom
Creeping raspberry (Rubus pentalobus)


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