Friday, June 8, 2012

How Perfectly

How Perfectly

How perfectly and neatly opens the pink rose

This bright morning, the sun warm on my shoulders,

Its heat on the opening petals.

Possibly it is the smallest, the least important event at this moment

In the whole world.

Yet I stand there, utterly happy.

--Mary Oliver


  1. I happened upon your blog today when I was googling what to do about my rambunctious Autumn Clematis. I really enjoyed your blog. We share a similar passion for gardening. I welcome you to take a peek at my blog which I started a year ago. It can be found at We were married on Glebe Rd. in Arlington 38 years ago this month (!) but are not upstate New Yorkers.

  2. That should have said "now upstate New Yorkers."
