Thursday, August 11, 2011

Early Morning Walk in August

Here are a few gardens I saw on my early morning walk around Herndon today.

The china plates edging is in a yard in my neighborhood. She has it around all the garden beds in her front yard. That's a lot of plates. Almost everyone I know hates it, but I kind of like it. At least she tries.  The woman who lives there probably has more garden ornaments/junk in her yard than me, so that must be why I like it! She makes my yard look tasteful. This edging made me think about another edging I saw at Chautauqua last summer, and I just happen to have the picture. Now this one I really love. Isn't that a great use for old wine bottles?


  1. I hope they didn't think you were a peeping tom? Can females be peeping tom's? I like both the plates and especially the wine bottles, something different, makes use of detritus. Biff

  2. I wonder what my homeowners association would make of a wine bottle edge on my dinky plot? Would probably earn me a citation.
