Friday, January 4, 2013

Waiting for Blooms

Amaryllis bulb on December 10

I forgot to mention that I rescued my amaryllis bulb from the dark and cool basement about 3 weeks ago, and now I wait patiently to see if it will re-bloom. After summering outside in a shady part of my garden, I brought it in before the first frost, trimmed off the old and dead leaves, and put it in the basement in a dark corner for about 8 weeks.  This particular bulb is about 3 years old, and last year I did the same routine and it actually re-bloomed. It is now sitting in a sunny window and just in the past few days have I seen this green bud emerge.  It's pretty hard to believe that this will have some gorgeous blooms in a month or so, but I have faith. Especially now that I am seeing some signs of life.

Amaryllis on January 3

Amaryllis on January 3
I also planted my paperwhites yesterday, putting them in stones and water in a shallow pot. They usually bloom in about 3 weeks. I am looking forward to some winter blooms!


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